"...And she's gone in the blink of an eye. She left the suds in the bucket and the clothes hangin' out on the line." (Sara Evans)
We moved Patti this weekend. (for the third time, but who's counting?)
It was fun. It was exhausting. I'm not as young as I used to be. I'm so glad we weren't moving her to Boston, how sad that would have been!
Except for a very brief appearance by Tommy to help load the heavy things, the moving team consisted of three women, Tom S. and a truck. (he looks scary) 

We had to carry everything up 19 steps to her second floor apartment (but who's counting?) and Tommy was not there to help with that. Tom really had it tough.
And Marj, well, can you say "broken pinky toe"? Whine whine. So she mainly babysat Eva - and that may have been harder on her pinky toe than moving recliners up 19 steps would have been.
You know how it is. Everything is lost for several days. There are boxes all over the place. You go through several just to find one single item - cell phone, remote control - something you need right now.
You know how it is. Everything is lost for several days. There are boxes all over the place. You go through several just to find one single item - cell phone, remote control - something you need right now.
I'm just glad we had the sense to label the important things.
For instance.....
Marj's left shoulder was a cinch to find.
Hey!! Don't be actin' like that about my pinky toe. You seen how bent up it is! I couldnt even play softball, so you know I wasnt lying. And I like to complain, so people know something's wrong.
Tough to let them go but they've got to spread their wings and fly on their own, find out what life is like without Mom and Dad----hey there IS no life without Mom and Dad!! It'll be tough for awhile honey.
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