Breezing past Yadkinville, NC, listening to Christian apologist Ravi Zacarias and desperately wanting to clip my toenails.
I popped in a Newsboys CD for some worship music as I increased my altitude in the NC/VA mountains. This was my view:
This was my worship: “All my world.All I’ve lost. The wrecks I’ve made here, the lives it cost. Your hand restores, your words make whole. With all my soul, I thank you, I owe you, all my Devotion, all that I have to give……”
This was my worship: “All my world.All I’ve lost. The wrecks I’ve made here, the lives it cost. Your hand restores, your words make whole. With all my soul, I thank you, I owe you, all my Devotion, all that I have to give……”
Awesome. Gotta love the Newsboys.

“I’m goin’ through the VA Tech. Corridor, babe, there’s a lot goin’ on, I’ll have to call you back later when things let up a little.”
Here are a few photos from the Technology Corridor. Found myself wondering exactly why it was called that and exactly where is the technology?? Looks like abandoned farms to me.

- Ahhh, finally, some technology.
Yay! Finally at I-81, goodbye 77! Only 541 more miles to go! Check out these "runaway truck ramps." Kind of a scary thought. I was checking them for tire tracks.
Yay! Finally at I-81, goodbye 77! Only 541 more miles to go! Check out these "runaway truck ramps." Kind of a scary thought. I was checking them for tire tracks.
I flipped on some Avalon—“Testify”. I saw them perform this song live and they had a woman with them who was handicapped in some way – I think she had Down’s Syndrome. She was doing sign language and dancing to the song, it was absolutely beautiful. I’ve never seen anthing so beautiful.
Couple hours later, I’m in Woodrow Wilson territory, looking for a motel, listening to Rick Steves discussing Prague. Thinking about my upcoming October trip to Europe with a visit in Prague, so I’m taking notes. I usually try to focus on one trip at a time, enjoy it to the fullest, before thinking about more trips, but I have to take advantage of Rick’s show while I can.
Day 2:

Woke up in Harrisonburg. Started driving north with mountains to the left and right. Guessing it’s Shenandoah Mountains to the right, neatly lined up like a fenceline. Am picturing God taking sunset walks “checking out the fenceline,” keeping things neat and orderly. Really, it’s like a wall, it’s so tall and neat and straight across the top.
9:00 I ate my third cold meatloaf sandwich of the trip. Glad they are GONE! Now I can eat me some fast food.
Flying past Charles Town, past Lazy A camping. "A" can’t be lazy. A is the line leader, A sets up the pace and begins the alphabet, gets things moving. A is responsible and ambitious. A place can’t be “The Lazy A.” “Lazy S” OK or “Lazy R”, but whoever heard of a “Lazy A?” These people are crazy.
Crossed the Potomac. It’s kind of narrow up here, but still carries a lot of clout.
Listening to MidDay Connection on my iPod. You should hear this, click on the link to go to it. It's called “Completely His,” featuring Shannon Etherridge. Wow, what a story of grace and mercy!
Pulling over at Starbucks, Hagerstown. Later, tater.
Couple hours later, I’m in Woodrow Wilson territory, looking for a motel, listening to Rick Steves discussing Prague. Thinking about my upcoming October trip to Europe with a visit in Prague, so I’m taking notes. I usually try to focus on one trip at a time, enjoy it to the fullest, before thinking about more trips, but I have to take advantage of Rick’s show while I can.
Day 2:
Woke up in Harrisonburg. Started driving north with mountains to the left and right. Guessing it’s Shenandoah Mountains to the right, neatly lined up like a fenceline. Am picturing God taking sunset walks “checking out the fenceline,” keeping things neat and orderly. Really, it’s like a wall, it’s so tall and neat and straight across the top.
9:00 I ate my third cold meatloaf sandwich of the trip. Glad they are GONE! Now I can eat me some fast food.
Crossed the Potomac. It’s kind of narrow up here, but still carries a lot of clout.
Listening to MidDay Connection on my iPod. You should hear this, click on the link to go to it. It's called “Completely His,” featuring Shannon Etherridge. Wow, what a story of grace and mercy!
Pulling over at Starbucks, Hagerstown. Later, tater.
Happy trails, Poof! Keep one hand on the wheel and the other around a sack of Mickey D's fries! ... or a Starbucks ... :)
haha, when i first 'breezed over' this blog, i thought you wrote yankiville. which ofcourse is spelled wrong but still. lol [yankeeville] yeah. so anyways come home cuz i'm havin to clean this whole house by myself.
Marj! You want me! You really want me!!
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