First of all, doggone it, I was SURE it was "badmitten" not "badminton," that sounds pretty dorky, no wonder there's prejudice. Look at these pictures, how can you possibly think it's a dorky sport?
But since the Olympics, badminton's got us pumped! OK, not since the Olympics, actually it's since Joel and Ross dug our set out from the pool box and blew the dust off it and asked, "How d'ya play this??" Like it was a game from my nana's closet they'd never
The W/S Codgers's team of Ross Smith and Tom Sliker took on the indubitable doubles team of Ethan Busbee and Jon Holsenback. Another case of age and treachery trump youth and skill.
When Ross was up to serve, I wished I had me one of them fancy made-for-TV radar guns so I could yell the speed of his serves to our fascinated spectators.
Just as Alan Paul said in his article, I think it applies here:
"The players' huge vertical leaps and power of their spikes are indeed fairly shocking to those used to summer camp or backyard picnic badminton."
(well..... if he didn't have the birdie at his feet)
"playing in front of a crowd that was both rabidly partisan and intensely engaged."
oh my goodness, i never knew ballet was a part of badminton.
Hey don't knock the game of my youth -------- along with being "ping pong champion" I was rather good at BadmiNton, I'll take those bad boys on.
This looks like it is much more fun than painting. I bet people would let me do this but they won't let me paint because I get more on paint on myself and the surrounding area than on the walls.
Ping Pong Champion? There's a ping pong champion out there? You should have a blog all to yourself! Ping Pongers of the world... unite!
Hey are you my husband??
Badminton? PingPong?...Got any smoove dirt down there? How about Marbles...I was the May Park "Big Ring" chump...'er champ!
I can sense the intensity of the spectators..electric!! By the way, you have figured out who Driftwood is, good job!
I can sense the intensity of the spectators..electric!! By the way, you have figured out who Driftwood is, good job!
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