Oct 28, 2008

BFF Back Atcha

My daughter posted the original BFF post here, totally awesome. She continues to amaze me with her blog.
But...she got me to thinking.... BFF's, eh?

I've had a few.

sorry, debra

Here's to BFF's everywhere.

What a joy they add to life!

"True happiness consists not in the multitude of friends, but in their worth and choice."- Samuel Johnston

The sweet smell of perfume and oils is pleasant,
and so is good advice from a friend.

Proverbs 27:9


The Seeker said...

Well, I guess I should just be glad that I'm inlcluded here! Nevermind I look like some kinda freak! Is that really the only picture you have of me? Sad...


Poof said...

No, I have some lovely shots from our hike in the woods with connie...

Marjorie said...

u didnt have to put that last pic of me. thanks mom jeez.