Jan 16, 2009

14 Points for Peace, 2009 Version

Woodrow Wilson, in January of 1918 penned his famous "14 Points for Peace" as World War I was approaching its end and peace would, presumably, be up for negotiation. So as I was studying his inspirational document, I began to think of my own life, my own battles fought and the peace I'd like to negotiate for 2009.
I've revised Wilson's legendary document and have come up with my own "14 Points for Peace," most of which cover territorial conflicts, which I hope my familial colleagues will ratify at our next Peace Conference.
1. Put your own dirty dishes in the dishwasher. (Sounds simple, I know.)
2. Put your clean laundry away the day I deliver it.
3. Move all your clutter out of the Living Room before bed each night.
4. Move all your clutter off the Dining Room table before bed each night.
5. Don't leave more than 2 pairs of shoes by the front door.
6. File and store the papers surrounding your computer 3 times a week.
7. Four times a week, properly store all the belongings you've left on the floor, dresser and table tops throughout the day.
8. If you splatter food particles on the wall behind the trash can, sink or stove, wipe them clean immediatly.
9. If you use the oven or stove, clean it afterwards.
10. If you drop or leave things on the patio or in the yard, pick them up and put them away.
11. If you splatter toothpaste in the sink or on the mirror, clean it up.
12. Clean out your vehicle, vacuum and scrub it once a month.
13. If you want me to pay for pet food each week, do something with the pet each week.
14. Don't leave bits of cheddar cheese in the sink to dry and harden up.


Anonymous said...

Not bad rules at all, it sounds like my house, now if I can just get the family to abide by them!!!

Anonymous said...

Eeeeeeeeeeeew do you KNOW how frightening this is to a germ free neat freak?!!

The Seeker said...

I know it must have been hard to limit it to 14, if you know what I mean! Good luck!