WSHS's Guide to Being #2 in Your Region as You Enter the Final Tournament:
Always strategize with your teammates. Even if it's smack in the middle of the game. Even if you're just checking "Pizza or subs tonight?"
It doesn't hurt to buddy-up to the umpire. Tell him a few jokes, compliment his handsome figure, call him "PawPaw," whatever it takes.
It doesn't hurt to buddy-up to the umpire. Tell him a few jokes, compliment his handsome figure, call him "PawPaw," whatever it takes.
Look Alive.
Smile for the camera(s). You can play hard & look good at the same time.
Have good cheers like "..... and look who's at the bat." "dat ball say 'hit me hit me,' dat ball say 'drive me, drive me'...." & something about good eye, good eye.... & oh - hey - this one's always good: "pitcher's got a big butt...." Stuff like that.
Have good cheers like "..... and look who's at the bat." "dat ball say 'hit me hit me,' dat ball say 'drive me, drive me'...." & something about good eye, good eye.... & oh - hey - this one's always good: "pitcher's got a big butt...." Stuff like that.
Dodge the freakin' ball, don't take a walk. Some pitchers are scared.
But if the pitcher is really stinky, it's gonna be hard to get a hit, & easy to get hit, no way around it.
Listen intently, studiously, when your coach reads you your stats or advises you on your game or ... reads the "how to hit a softball far" guide or whatever it is she's doing out there.
Always protect the umpire. And if he's experienced, he'll hide like a chicken anyway.
.. Go ahead... steal home. (Ok, so she's more like jogging home, but stealing home is fun) (Is Coach looking at her watch??)
Always sacrifice, give it your all, even if everyone else is just standing around doing nothing.
. . . and . . . ummm . . .
. . . I'm drawing a blank with this one.
Loved this story of #2, but what would you do to get #1? Great pics, you are almost as good with the camera as you are with the writing.
Oooops. I forgot to mention some of the photos were taken by JMaslar - http://jrmaslar.blogspot.com/
My B.
We're movin' on up.... We won Saturday's tournament game and now will play Buford High in Lancaster, Monday, May 3, 6pm.
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