May 23, 2009

Isn't This The . .

. . . Cutest thing you've ever seen?!?

and it's for you, mom, you need to try this: Strawberry & Cream Frap. (a coffee-less beverage)


Zippy said...

Now let's see a hand hold the cost of this teeny drink.

Cannot believe a Maslar spends money at Starbucks. The genes must be watered down.

Mom said...

Nope Zippy genes not laundered she's been brainwashed.

Poof said...

That's the beauty of it -- that little drink was totally free.

Heather Francis said...

how did you get that free?! i want one!

Jules said...

Once in awhile I get an adorable little one like that, but mine is very chocolate and very caffeinated. I prefer mine much larger. Much.