In his excitement, Tom gave me my Mother's Day present early -- The Settlers of Catan, also called "Los Colonos de Catán," "Osadníci z Katanu" and "Колонизаторы," depending on where you live.

The point of the game is to collect resources with which to build communities on the island of Catan and become a mutant mix of Donald Trump/Saddam Hussein and win the game.
Risk + Monopoly = Catan.
In this example, one person was red with three houses and two roads (perhaps it was me) and one person was white with two houses and one whimpy li'l road (perhaps it was Tom), one person was orange & one, blue. The gameboard octagons are "grazing fields," "ore," "timber," & some are shipping docks.

Unfortunately, we didn't have time to finish our game. Sadly, we haven't played it since. I really do want to play again, but we need playas and time, neither of which have we found.
Now, there's a couple of things I have to tell you about this game:
1. The instructions are in magazine format, many pages long and difficult to interpret. The game would be appropriate to come with a lawyer player to settle disputes.
2. Advertised playing time is 60-90 minutes. Plan on 2 hours minimum. Hope for 4 hours.
I won't be available for THIS game over the graduation weekend, yikes!
Ugh. Don't have enough brain cells left to play this game.
oh my goodness val!!! Andrew and I are addicted to settlers of catan he even bought a set to take back to afghanistan with him. His sister and brother n law introduced it to us!! love it!!! Its so funny to see you guys playing too because we had never heard of it before!
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