Feb 25, 2010

You are You: Taking Personal Branding to the Next Level

"You are you, that's truer than true. There is no one alive that is Youer than You." - Dr. Seuss.

The best thing that social media has birthed with its ideology of personal branding is the affirmation of Dr. Seuss' theory of life: Be Who You Are. Not only that, but embrace it, who you are is perfect.
The joy and energy generated by total authenticity & transparency is what I saw in these ladies in Atlanta. That is what I found so attractive. They are having a blast being who they are and that, my friend, will draw a crowd.
Days later I found this post "What Belly Dancing Taught Me about Personal Branding," brought to my attention by @CopyBlogger, who never fails to grab my attention. The article, by Lisa Barone, points out what many businesses and bloggers have figured out the hard way: "build your brand on being your favorite version of yourself." I think most companies are finally getting this and for that, I thank social media.
So Lisa Barone takes us a step further than Dr. Seuss, she advises "creating a persona that mixes who you are and who you want to be." Don't just be yourself, be your best version. I think Dr. Seuss might put it this way: "You are You, that's truer than true, courageously do what you love and be the You we never Knew." OK, maybe not. I think he'd say it a lot simpler.
Barone continues, "Finding your voice and using it to be relatable is what will make or break your personal brand. It’s what separates the brands we love from the brands we wish would die..... Figure out what the real you sounds like, and then use that voice to be real with others. You can’t fake this."

These guys - Pappas Grille - are a great example. I have no benefit to naming them, received nothing, don't even know them, but I love what they're doing and I can't wait to visit them.

Now, don't go copy Pappas Grille or anyone else, just go out there and be yourself -- You are you, isn't that nice?!

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