.... i still have brightly colored boiled eggs nestled in fake grass in a basket on my dining room table......
& i still have a snowman icicle hanging with beautiful icicles across my kitchen windows....

This is why I don't usually decorate for each season.
But I do have a beachy lady decoration out for summer.
So tell me....
What's your true confession?
I saw a tiny piece of artificial snow on the rug in the dining room last week--a leftover from Christmas. Did I run and get the vaccum to suck it up? Nope--I figure it will still be there the next time I drag my dusty* vacuum cleaner out.
*Dusty from last of use, not from so much dust flying around because I am a vacuuming fiend.
Confession: I hide chocolate.
I am my fathers son (earthly father) - scary isn't it.
I still have the boxes of christmas decorations and gift boxes at the foot of my bed
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