May 27, 2010

Seinfeld Scene It? Yada, Yada, Yada

We played our first round of Seinfeld Scene It? on Eden's 21st birthday. She and I knew going in that Tom and Tommy would be impossible to beat, but secretly I was betting Eden knew a lot more than she let on. I thought of her as my ace in the pocket and secretly thought girls might beat boys. (we didn't) (Yes, mom, I see I need new decor' pillows) {{{blushing}}
To play the game, you first select a DVD master, the one who will control the buttons, usually the alpha male. We chose Tommy because he knows how to operate the dvd player. DVD Master will then choose the short or long version of the game; you are at his mercy.

Then, my favorite part, each player choses their token. You can select from: Cigar Store Indian, Chinese TakeOut Box, Jerry's Puffy Shirt, and a big box of cereal. I chose the puffy shirt.

When it's your turn, roll the 8 sided dice and move that many squares (circles really). Read the challenge of that square and do what it says. It may be something just for you or it may be open to everyone on an "all play."

You may have to watch a snippet on the dvd and answer a question or you may have a trivia question. Your activity might focus on "details" of the show, or "dialogue" -- who said what or what comes next, or "yada, yada, yada" which focuses on pop culture surrounding the show.

We had a lot of laughs recalling old Seinfeld shows. Tom and Tommy still watch Seinfeld reruns almost every night, so they will be hard to beat. But when they come out with a Gilmore Girls Scene It, I guarantee you I'll win the game.

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