Nana's prayers are powerful.
Everybody knows if you want something, put Nana on it. She can pray anything into existance.
And so I'm wondering which way she's praying?
For her recovery so she can live longer with impaired health?
Or for her peaceful delivery into Heaven?
She's been saying that God kept her here to see Lexi, Eva and Emma.
Then God gave her Drew.
She's been saying for a couple years that she's ready to go.
I know you are, Nana, I know.
But we're just not ready to let you go.
Pray for us, Nana.

In which Nana and I take a little jaunt.
Nana's Anti-Aging Cream.
In which Nana is the life of the Luau.
Nana reads a book.
The Children's visit to Nana, here and here.
Through you, Val, she has been a 'Nana' to many of us. Praying for all of you!
I agree with Connie Val, thank you for sharing and what a beautiful picture of 5 Generations. Please give Nana our best and a quick hello from the FL Sliker/Tucker clan. We pray for you and your family and to whichever way Nana is praying for!
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