Jun 12, 2010

SC Politics Surpass Even Jon Stewart's Expectations

So I'm thinking Alvin Greene thought he was running for Governor, but wound up... abracadabra.... winning the Democratic Party's primary for the U.S. Senate. One small step for humor on The Daily Show, one giant leap for the Absurdity of SC Politics.
Greene, like a sloppy puppy with a new squeeze toy, announced his platform: "Let's Get SC Back to Work." He dropped it at the media's feet and looked up to see their pleasure. What?! No "Good Dog!" or "Atta' Boy!!" in response?
Dear Mr. Greene: We regret to inform you that you're running for the U.S.
Senate. While SC is part of the U.S., it's just not all that. Please donate your platform to the lovely Nikki Haley and study up on, say, U.S. Policy in Iraq, Obama's Healthcare Plan or some such and kindly revise your pet project.

Meanwhile, we're all wondering what genie produced Mr. Greene and landed him in this laughable position. Greene claims he paid the $10,000 filing fee with his own money, but when asked why then he wasn't able to pay for the defense of his recent obscenity charge, his reply: "I don't want to talk about that." By the way, he doesn't want to talk about Iraq, Israel, National Security or Social Security, School Choice or Environmental issues either, but I know one thing he wants to talk about: SC Jobs. This is a man with a plan. And the obscenity charge involving a young USC student? Charge, schmarge. Let's not talk about that, gosh, that was months ago. Besides, he was allowed to run in the Primary, so it's not his fault, somebody should have stopped him.
Blame is flying hard and fast. The public blames the Democratic Party who should have checked his record better. The Party blames Greene's opponent in the Primary, Vic Rawl. He should have dug all the dirt up on his opponent like any good politician. Rawl's campaign blames the media for failing to reveal important, pertinent information to the public. And I'm thinking maybe the voters should take a little personal responsibility. Or are they still happy with their choice? Did they just vote for the first person on the list? Did they vote for a person based on race? Did they vote for a person who wasn't tainted with years of political shenanigans? Or maybe they just misunderstood the sentiment "Let's forget all this good-ol-boy politics and vote for someone green!" Maybe they heard "...and vote for Greene!"
Maybe it's all one big misunderstanding. Maybe Greene meant to run for the Governor's seat and maybe the voters meant to vote for someone green, a newbie untainted by years of good ol boy political deals. Or maybe it was all those pesky ads about the Green Party. Who knew we had a Green Party and not just a "Greene" candidate. Afterall, even the Dalai Lama didn't know we had a Green Party.
But that still leaves the question of the 10 grand. The Democratic Party has until Aug. 16 to dethrone Mr. Greene if they can. If not, will Tom Clements and the Green (with no "e") Party pick up momentum?

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