David Letterman brought in the New Year with an interview with Brian Williams. I haven't been fond of David Letterman since I outgrew him shortly after my college days, but I do like to occasionally tivo the show and FF to the interviews.
I love Brian Williams. He's like the old time reporters who just report. Just report the news like a professional and leave your personal opinions behind - old school news - I miss it. In fact, I don't watch news anymore, probably since Obama took office and I realized there's no turning back, our country is going down, and who needs to watch that every single night?
So here's part of the interview with Brian Williams. Williams is a master when Letterman comments about John Boehner's weepy self, just days before Williams has to be with Boehner face-to-face. Letterman's trying to push an agenda and Williams stands with grace and charm, subtly reminding us Lettterman is dismissable.
Here's more of the show below. The beginning is typical David Letterman Show Jr. High humor, but the good interview starts somewhere around 3:40.
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