Jul 7, 2008

Detox Woes

I missed an important part of the whole diet detox thing: It's supposed to be done off on a retreat, a spa or something. It's not supposed to be done at home while you try to live your normal life. duh. It's almost impossible to live your normal life while detoxing.

Why would I think I could do that?

Do I have superpowers?
-A. The other people in my house want to eat normal junk food. While I eat my green juices or as Tommy says, "Mud in a cup." Now I have to cook their meals, smell and serve them, get my mouth salivating, then take time to make my juice and gag it down.
That has grumpy written all over it.
Sidenote: I couldn't sleep one night, got on the computer at 3 a.m. Tom came stumbling out, blinking in my light, "what are you doing? I thought I'd catch you out here eating a whole pizza or something." Nope. So far, I'm sticking to the plan. . . one step at a time.
B. I don't have time for this. Remember me -- the one who "grabs whatever is close by as I walk out the door and call it lunch???" Sure, now I'm supposed to go buy organic fresh fruits and vegies, wash them all, slice and chop, sort into groups, run through the juicer 4 times a day, disassemble and clean the juicer 4 times a day, reassemble the juicer 4 times a day, find recipes for which ones taste good together (ha), plus remember to drink herbal teas as gross as they may be.

The Book.  More Info on the Diet:  Martha's Vineyard Diet Detox.

I do not like them, Sam I am, I do not like green drinks and yams.

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