
Upon entering, we got the distinct impression of country folk -- checkered window coverings, heavy wooden furniture and a spiral staircase with carved wooden bannisters leading up to the old loft.
Our group sat at three tables downstairs. As soon as I sat down, I could hear music upstairs and suddenly they began playing Sound of Music tunes. Thinking of Mom, Emma and Carleen, I dashed upstairs with my camera and began filming a video. It turned out to be 2 Austrian musicians playing to a group of about 30 excited (read:drunk) Asian business men.

Here are the musicians, later, down at our table playing to Jonathan. Doesn't Jon look like a lighter version of cousin Mark?

Our meal was outrageously good. You don't understand how much I love this food. Our whole table loved it. In fact, we ate all ours and half of the other table's. We were given a platter of a variety of meats including bloody sausages, lots of pork and steamy sauerkraut. The best kraut I've ever eaten. Several others agreed with me on that one. We each had our own cold vegie salad or cabbage, green beans and carrots, all of which had a vinegar flavor & which I eagerly devoured.

When you go to Vienna, this place is a Must.
The music was incredibly passionate and without lyrics, so I made up my own in my head and had a fantastic evening.
Here's Josef, our violin playa. He is very ardent and has a great sense of humor. Look behind him and you'll see our host Professors -- Troudy and David. (David's hiding) Troudy grew up on a winery not far outside of Vienna and is very passionate about Austria. I loved, loved, loved her tours and talks.
Towards the end, they played some Sound of Music tunes for us. Again, I videotaped them. Again, thought of mom, Emma and Carleen. Mom & I watch the Sound of Music and sing every song, operatic style, much to everyone's dismay. Emma, aged 3, has memorized the Sound of Music, scenes and all, and even acts it out with her dolls. When she plays, she assigns her playmates the names of the Von Trapp children.
Mmmm. The food settles in my belly while the music surrounds me. I pinch myself. I cannot believe I am really here.
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