Sep 19, 2009

Catch a Ride on the Welcome Back Train

Apparently, they're "back in the atmosphere with drops of jupiter in their hair...
reminding me there's time to change..." Yay, Train is back. I mean BACK. So much for the time to change, thank goodness, they are back to what they used to be when they first captured my attention. Train's last album was in '06 "For me, it's you." I have all of Train's albums and I've seen them perform in San Francisco and Columbia so I consider myself a huge fan, although I hate the implications of the word huge, but you know.

So I've been disappointed in Train's latest songs and thought maybe they were getting distracted and all. But honey, with Soul Sister, Train has regained my love. "I think Train fans who have watched the good and the bad," says Monahan (lead singer), "are really going to like this record a lot - I think, much more than they have in years." You got it, buster. You're talkin' about me - I've watched the good and the bad. Monahan continued, "We owe all of our gratitude to San Francisco because they embraced us back when, if they hadn't have, no one would have." Yeah, that was me, too. I was there. San Francisco. Out on a deserted isle. 200 fans, 300? 500? I was the one jumping up and down, singing all the lyrics to Meet Virginia, you looked me square in the eyes, you know what I'm talkin' about.

Save Me SanFrancisco is due to hit the shelves October 27. They'll be in Myrtle Beach Nov. 14 and Charlotte, Nov. 15.

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