- The Italian notion of being home
- A Sense of belonging
- Overwhelming spirit of patriotism
- A Sense of community
- Parochialism
- Your heart's desire to be within the sound of your own town's bells

When the family rallied around Nana's hospital bed, it felt like home to me.
It felt like Christmas Eve at Nana's when all the cousins came together.
Pictured: Eva with Brenda and her daughter Lauren
-It brought to mind the Italian word Campanilismo - the mode of wanting to be within the sound of your town bells. Taking pride and comfort, strength even, in your village and your people.

Joyce and Doug Furman with Holly's baby Michaela
Holly and Mike came through with Liam and Michaela.
It was my first time to meet Michaela.

They brought a little life to me when my spirit was heavy.
The cousins amused me with their stories about work and school.
Jerry chasing us around, trying to catch up with us during a Starbucks break. Sorry, dude, you missed the bus on that one.

On my final day, final visit to a by-then much-improved Nana, the hospital had a lock down. Renee and Lexi had just left and Patti, Eva, Lisa and I were amusing Nana. The fire alarms went off and the nurses shut every patient's door. 15 minutes later, I went out to leave and head back home, but the nurses stopped me. Nobody was going out or coming in, the hospital was on lock down. I told Eva to watch out the 6th story window for suspicious characters. Within a few minutes she excitedly called, "Pookie! C'mere! I found a patricious character." (maintenance man) So I called Renee and asked her to circle the hospital and tell me what was going on. She found no firetrucks or crazy activity. Another 15 minutes later she was allowed in the hospital and I was released. She led me downtown where we met Cousin David at Phat Burrito for lunch. Excellent place, Yum-O.

There's an Italian concept that a little chaos is good for the heart.
That appears to be true for Nana. After we all descended on her, her heart began healing.
A little Campanilismo Chaos.
So good for the heart!
One afternoon before the healing began, we had been at Nana's bedside all day, worried, and we came home to find Carleen cooking a couple of roasts. Smelling the scent of home is just like hearing your town's bells, what a comfort.

While Carleen was busy with the dinner, several of us got a little "Drew" time. Drew is Steve and Carleen's youngest, a future TroutU professor.
The girls were in the jacuzzi splattering water all over mom's bathroom. Steve Hyde was coming in from work. Wheel of Fortune was playing in the background.
Feels like home to me.
I took a little ribbing, well a lot of ribbing about my vehicle.
It fits so well at home, but seemed out of place in Charlotte. Some speculated that I would get a ticket for having a tail gate down. Some picked on Maslars for having a hay wagon in their drive.
Seemed normal to me.
Seemed normal to me.

But when I jumped in on my final day and began to head out, this is what I found on the dash:

Really? I'm Sanford & Sons? Seriously? Me?
When your backyard dollhouse has been turned into a McDonald's Drive-Thru playhouse?

Sad reason for all the family to be together but so nice to BE together. You're a nut, love the blog.
Great blog!! I also thought of it as being Christmas Eve,when we used to be all together. It brought back GREAT memories!!
so....glad that gram is doing better!!
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