Jan 25, 2011

Mike Thompson: Falling Out Of Love

Mike Thompson, a songwriter and musician based in Charleston, has produced his first cd "Falling Out of Love." I've always thought Mike's sound was folksy or folk rock, but this cd goes back to his country roots (Sin County Band) with a concentrated Country sound. Definitely 100% country. It even includes the mandatory sad song about killin' to save a woman ("Isolene") and the lonesome Cowboy's tears-in-his-beers song ("Holding This Guitar.")
Mike admitted at the release that he called Carroll Brown (Producer) for some help, "This CD is too happy," Thompson told Brown, "I need a song about killin'."


Mike's well known in the Charleston music scene and has won several Best Of and Male Vocalist awards. I've gone down to Charleston a few times just to hear Mike sing, but this time I only had to drive to Columbia for the cd release party at a yummy Irish place called "Puddlin' Duck." (Hint: Get the Irish Dip, Get the macaroni & cheese, Sheperd's Pie was good, not spectacular, Skip the boxtys)

I've had Falling Out of Love playing in my car all week and I have to say, (don't hit me) I prefer Mike in person. The cd's great, but he's such a personable guy who puts on a great show, the house should be packed wherever he goes. He needs to keep on performing, but I imagine that's a hard life.
You can hear and purchase downloads of Mike's cd at Digstation.com. Mike's got a facebook, too, looks like it's just starting out.
My favorite song? Hit The Road.

1 comment:

jen said...

mine would have to be holding this guitar!