Apr 24, 2012

To Travel, You Must Be Daring

I was asked yesterday if I am getting excited about my upcoming trip to Europe. (The 21-year old daughter and I are backpacking across Europe)  I responded that I am getting a little nervous about the whole thing.  I lied. The truth is I am starting to downright panic.  In the middle of the night. Can't-breathe type panic.

At our first stop, London, we are renting the lovely Buttercup Bus up there on the left, a vintage VW, in which we'll putter around the prehistoric landscape found laced throughout the Salisbury Plain.  I have trouble breathing when I think about driving a manual with the stick shift in my left hand and the passing traffic on my left side.  It would be so much easier to hop on a tourist bus with audio headphones, but c'mon..... a tour bus with 30 others or a vintage VW on our own?

I am reminded of a quote I saw recently
"To really travel, you must be daring."

I might be daring, but I feel like I can't breathe.

1 comment:

Fern said...

You are going to have so much fun and make so many memories, can't wait to hear all about it and see all your great pictures and read all your great blogs!!