Once upon a time, back in 1968 or '69, I met a neighbor girl (top left corner of photo with the big mouth) named Rene'. We quickly became F's (Friends) and soon, BFs (Best Friends). We went to school together, spent the night together, played ball together and swam together. Sure, other friends came and went, but Rene' and I, we remained true. And when my dad moved me and my family 800 miles away, Rene' gave me an awesome "goodbye" party (pictured below) and we did all kinds of pinky swears to remain BFs Forever, thus was the moment we became BFFs.

We like drama.
Here's Cousin David in on one of our schemes. He's a good schemer, too.
Even though I had moved far away, we stayed in touch. There was no facebook, email or text messages, we had to rely on, honest-to-pete, recording ourselves on a cassette tape and mailing it back and forth. Those were the days.
And we visited each other once or twice a year.
Then along came marriage...
.... and several baby carriages....
Wow - Brad looks so young here! Rene', she looks the same.
We raised our kids together as much as possible, a vacation here, a home visit there.....
Our kids became friends..... and then we helped each other with our kids' marriages....
And now with the kids grown up, we just took another vacation together.
And I was reminded . . .
. . . We still have some wild ideas and crazy schemes.
1 comment:
Tucker is going to die if he sees this picture of him and I with the cameras!!!
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