Feb 6, 2012

NASA TweetUp with Ron Garan

I've been selected for another NASA TweetUp, this time with Astronaut Ron Garan at the NASA Headquarters in Washington, DC on.... Valentine's Day.

NASA began Tweetups back in January of 2009 with a Tweetup at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.  NASA Tweetups "provide @NASA followers with the opportunity to go behind-the-scenes at NASA facilities and events and speak with scientists, engineers, astronauts and managers. NASA Tweetups range from two hours to two days and include a "meet and greet" session to mingle with fellow Tweeps and the people behind NASA's Twitter feeds"

 I was selected in 2011 to attend the first Tweetup held at NASA HQ in DC.  Astronaut Doug Wheelock was the star of that Tweetup.  I love Tweetups because I get to meet other Twitter fans.  Friendships develop easily on Twitter and when you can actually meet in person, it's an awesome thing.   Well, usually.  Sometimes it bombs and the friendship dissolves.  But usually, the friendship is enhanced.  Twitter, to me, is about sharing information, learning, discovering and growing.

I was not selected for any of the other NASA Tweetups until this one, so I'm very excited to go even though it means leaving my Valentine behind.

The timing for this trip is excellent because I needed to go to DC anyway to train a new Broadstreet Consulting employee.  I am finally getting an assistant with the social media administration for our customers.  I am very excited about that.

Well.... I'm off to pack.  Question is:  Will I need my snow boots?

Live Tweetup TV Coverage.
More info on NASA Tweetups.

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